pre-heating the brain oven

snow bear

Snow Bear II, North York, Toronto, ON

Today’s crowning achievement was either helping with the driveway shoveling, or helping craft this snow bear. Wooh!

Wonderful as a snow bear is, tonight I finally returned to study this Stack Overflow post in order to code a better solution to this Project Euler problem. My current solution gleefully attempts to create a 600,851,475,142-long list in memory. Wooh!

def max_prime_factor(num)
# returns the largest prime factor of num
# does not work for Bignums ;_;
  (2..num).select{ |n| (num % n == 0) && (2...n).none?{ |i| n % i ==0} }.max

It struck me that for a moment, I was struggling to understand what Ruby’s Prime.prime_division does. My fingers also felt hesitant with typing the commands to Terminal and I felt really guilty with having to double-check how to declare a lambda. (I was getting tired of typing num.prime_division and figured I’d get around it with a lambda; also, lately I’ve been eager to use lambdas whenever possible.)

I realized that my brain had gotten rather limp and soft over the past week-plus of barely coding anything. After lamenting about my guilt to J, he matter-of-factly suggested that I “bake [my brain] in the oven” to harden it again.

OK… Well, this does crystallize the fact that passively reading about programming is no match for actually doing it. I feel horrifyingly impotent tonight!